Oh, the Humanity!
Can you soften to your humanity? What does that look like in practice? I offer the following questions to help.
Samsara is a Sanskrit word that means ‘wandering,’ specifically in the cycle of birth and death and rebirth. Wandering implies exile,...
Go 'head, Ask Me
The following questions are intended to open you to what might be just below your awareness. They are intended to open you to subtle...
Giving a F*ck
The title of Mark Manson’s recent book—The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck—is subtly deceptive. He actually wants us to give a f*ck, but...
Getting Known
"What we do not make conscious emerges later as fate." —C.G. Jung As social animals, we long to be known in relationship. Getting known...
'A more caring inner landscape'
'The practice of compassion towards ourselves can be like the cultivation of an inner parent who is unconditional and accepting. This can...
Trust Fall
'So what is really the path of healing? It can begin in this moment, by embracing the life that's here.' ~ Tara Brach Here's a question...
Conscious Grieving
“We could reconnect with the weather that is ourselves, and we could realize that it’s sad. The sadder it is, and the vaster it is, the...